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Natural language processing in medicine, life and environmental science

a collage of medicine, life, environmental and data science graphics
From: 2025-02-25 10:00 to 13:30 Workshop

Recordings at

Medicine, life and environmental science rely on many forms of text data that guide research and clinical decision-making, such as scientific articles, electronic health records, reports and social media data. The size of the available data far exceeds human reading capabilities but artificial intelligence tools for natural language processing (NLP) can help extract valuable information leading to actionable insights. In this workshop, you will hear how large language models and other natural processing tools that can be used to process various forms of texts, as well as their advantages and limitations and open research questions.

The workshop will consist of talks, which you can listen to on-site or online. This will be followed by an informal mingle for on-site attendants combined with a demonstration of the EasyNER NLP tool and discussions about your ideas for potential NLP projects.


10:00 - 12:00 BioNLP Talks (on-site and online)

  • Mario Sänger, Astra Zeneca: Biomedical NER for the Enterprise with Distillated BERN2 and the Kazu Framework
  • Samuele Garda, Humboldt University Berlin: The role of entity linking in assisting biomedical literature curation
  • Xing Wang, Humboldt University Berlin: Facilitating Literature Search in Precision Oncology by Learning from Knowledge Bases
  • Oguz Serbetci, Humboldt University Berlin: Title to be announced
  • Sonja Aits, Lund University: Scientific text mining with EasyNER for medicine, life and environmental science

12:00 - 13:30 (on-site only)

Mingle with EasyNER demonstration and project discussions

Speaker details


The event is co-organized by AI Lund, COMPUTE, the Lund University Cancer Centre (LUCC), and the LU profile areas "Nature-based future solutions" and "Natural and artificial cognition".

Om händelsen
From: 2025-02-25 10:00 to 13:30

Online and on-site (BMC, Sölvegatan 19, Rune Grubb lecture hall)

Sonja [dot] aits [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se

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