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Introduction to R

VT2022, 1.5 ECTS

– Published 19 April 2022


This course aims to provide a basic introduction to R, preparing students for using R in their own research and for additional courses that use R. The course will use a combination of brief lectures and tutorials where the students will work on prepared problems. The last day of the course will include an open problems session where students are encouraged to bring their own data or analysis problems. We will cover:
• basic R commands,
• basic data manipulation in R (different data structures),
• import and export of data,
• plotting commands (basic plotting and ggplot),
• functions for data summary and manipulation (e.g. computing means, variances, maxima,
minima, and apply-functions) and
• time permitting – basic statistics.

Additional information

This course is given jointly with the ClimBEco and Geneco research schools.


Course days: April 19, 20, 21, 22

Detailed schedule here

Course coordinator

Johan Lindström


We typically do not admit Master and Bachelor students to COMPUTE courses.

To register, please fill in the course registration form and write "COMPUTE" in the field "If other than above:"

Registration deadline 6th April 2022